Florence night view tour review and night view route tips

Many people sign up for the Florence night view tour, right?I hope that you will have a fun and precious trip and that you will not experience any unpleasant events, and I am writing this post for public interest purposes.

​In order to enjoy the night view of the city I was visiting for the first time, I signed up for the Genius Blah night view tour on this trip.

​I applied at Ma*****, and the tour time announced upon confirmation of reservation was 6 PM sharp.

​I arrived at the appointment location on time as instructed.

(The reason why they said it was on time was because the church bell rang as soon as we arrived in front of the store^^) But for some reason, there was a team already going on a tour.

​Of course I thought it wasn’t a tour for our group.

​Everyone who came was given a receiver and was being guided around.

​And the guide didn’t even glance at us and was talking about travel information.

lol​There were a lot of people (probably more than 30 at best) and it may not have been our guide, but it seemed like a nuisance to just hang around there, so I walked to the side and looked around intently.

However, there didn’t seem to be any other teams, so I kept waiting to ask just in case.

I stood still for about 10 minutes.

​I tried to ask when the explanation was to be interrupted, but he didn’t even give me a glance and went straight to the historical explanation after the information.

​Time kept passing by and I thought it couldn’t continue like this, so I risked my rudeness and asked if it was a night view tour.

​’That’s right, but if you’re late, just listen there.

He said overbearingly, ‘I’ll give you the receiver later.

’​How are you supposed to listen to an explanation in a corner where there are a lot of people and you can’t hear well?​And if it looks like it’s your tour, come here even if it’s just for a little while.

I will give you the receiver later, so please listen to the explanation.

Is it difficult to say something like this?​I didn’t feel good because their attitude was so unfriendly and they seemed to be blatantly ignoring me.

If I’m late, they don’t say anything.

The notice given when confirming a reservation also states that it starts at 6:00 (no change, no separate instructions).

From that person’s point of view, if we were really late, I think we should have clearly provided information to arrive earlier.

I took a total of 4 package tours during this trip, but how do I know that they are not listed in the reservation confirmation details?There was a notice saying, “Please arrive 5 minutes early for other packages!”, so I quickly arrived.

There was no such guidance.

​He said, ‘I came on time, what are you talking about?’​He just ignored what I said and continued explaining the history haha.

​By the way.

Haha, guides are also a service profession in a way, so is it okay to treat people that way?​I didn’t argue with the guide for fear of inconveniencing others, but I got really angry.

​It was a waste of time to get to that place, and even though I arrived on time, what should I do with the explanation I missed?​Our group was extremely angry at the fact that they had already been standing around for 10 minutes but pretended not to notice, and we decided that thanks to An Ha-muin’s attitude, it would be impossible to go on a tour with that person.

​I contacted Travel Love and asked about the guide’s gender and characteristics, but they gave me a refund right away without even asking.

I have a lot to say, but I won’t say it haha.

​On the one hand, I am sad that I cannot leave a review of the package because I received a refund.

What happens to a trip that should be fun?I hope others don’t have to go through this unpleasant experience.

​원래대로라면 가이드 투어가 예정되어 있었기에 이후 일정에 대해 순간 막막했지만 지나고 나니 오히려 더 좋은 선택이었던 것 같습니다 : ) 저희가 다닌 여행 루트 꿀팁 알려드립니다.


구글에 피렌체 일몰시간 검색피렌체 시내버스 배차간격이 좀 있어서 미켈란젤로 언덕 도착시간까지 여유롭게 1시간 정도 잡으세요!​2.

일몰 20분 전에 미켈란젤로 언덕에 올라가 있기! (올라가는 여러 루트가 있는데 어차피 그 시간대에는 올라가는 분들이 많아서 따라가면 됨)방법은 두 가지로 나뉩니다.


버스타고 미켈란젤로 언덕으로 가는 다리 전 정거장 도착 –> 다리에서부터 사진 찍으며 여유롭게 올라가기 약 40분 정도 소요됨2-2.

미켈란젤로 언덕까지 버스로 바로 도착​버스를 타고 올라가는 방법도 있지만 걸어 올라가도 그렇게 힘들지는 않았어요.

(야트막한 뒷산느낌)미켈란젤로 언덕까지 가는 버스티켓은 주변 잡화상점에서 구매하시면 되고, 로마랑 똑같이 기계에 넣고 찍으시면 됩니다 : )​3.

광장옆에 내려가는 계단이 있습니다.

계단에 자리 잡고 아름다운 일몰 바라보기광장에서 맥주도 파는데 시원해서 강추.

간단한 음료랑 음식도 무겁지 않다면 챙겨가세요.

외국인 친구들은 와인 가져와서 여유롭게 즐기더라고요 ㅎㅎ​시내에서 공원 건너가는 다리 전까지 버스 타고, 다리 쪽부터 걸으시는 거 추천해요.

예쁜 포토존 많아요!​일행들끼리 미켈란젤로 언덕 계단에 앉아서 여유롭게 일몰 지는 거 바라봤는데 너무 이뻤습니다.

​일부 가이드 투어는 해~ 다~~ 지고서야 올라오던데​개인적으로는 피렌체가 아름답게 물들어가는 모습이 더 낭만 있다고 생각합니다.

​투어는 꼭 소수정예로 신청하는걸 추천드리고, 아니라면 해질 때 발 닿는 곳이 다 포토존이니까 고민하지 마시고 구글을 믿고 떠나보세요~.
