Barcelona Apartments CASP74 Apartments

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Accommodation name: CASP74 Apartments
Number of stays: 2024.1.10.
Meal and cooking availability: Cooking available
Availability of toilet (shower room): Available (1 toilet)
Facilities and cleanliness: Cleanliness is very good.
Even the tableware is almost new.
Internal rule: You must open the front door with a card key to enter, so it is safe.
Staff friendliness: Very friendly.
Front desk stays open late.
Surrounding environment: Major tourist attractions can be reached on foot.
Safe with no hazards around.
Advantages: The price is cheap compared to the facilities.
Although it is an apartment-type accommodation, it is clean and systematically managed like a hotel (cleaning is done daily).
Disadvantages: None
Who would like this accommodation?
Family tourists who want to cook their own food
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