Florence (+Tuscany) travel review

Day 1Rome -> FlorenceTuscany tour underwayMeet near Termini Station at 6:50 a.


The suitcase was really heavy, but there was a bus that went right nearby, so I rode it easily 🙂 Be careful not to miss the stop!.

I wasn’t scared because there were no people.

Safer than you think.

:)Then we met a tour company, took a bus and started the Tuscany tour.

If you suffer from motion sickness due to constant travel on the bus, motion sickness medication is a must!Italians, even bus drivers, drive very hard.

I work pretty hard in Korea too, but wow.

I can’t even hand out a business card.

I’m 100% motion sick.

Civita di Bagnoregio, the setting for Laputa, Castle in the SkyGladiator Maximus’s house emotion heheWhat’s disappointing is that it’s a wasteland….

ㅠIf you want to enjoy Tuscany, come in April-May.

I went to the wheat field when it had all been harvested, so it was very wilderness.

It’s so, so disappointing.

There is beauty that unfolds in between, but it will be 1000% prettier in spring.

I will definitely try Italy in May next time.

Lunch is at Montepulciano.

Where the vampire leaders lived in the Twilight New Moon seriesJust over.

you are pretty Tagliatelle with black truffle and T-bone steak 1300really…Shocked after eating pasta…You have to try this to know.

It’s so delicious it brings tears to my eyes 🥹T-Bone’s own seasoning makes it super salty, thick, and fun.

And this is a place that takes great pride in its wine.

They hold a wine contest every year and place the winning family flags around the neighborhood!Even though I can’t drink, I ordered the house wine.

It’s a very delicious wine with acidity like grape juice, so it’s very good~​https://maps.



gl/a5Vmt5PiaJhfqHoT8?g_st=ic ​.

Panoramic view of Tuscany from MontepulcianoI can never capture it in a photoIf you go to the left of the tall cathedral-like building, you can enjoy the view.

There are also free restrooms along the way!However, it’s small so you have to wait in line.

And finally we arrived in Florence!Big buses can’t get in, so I take a tram from another town to Florence!The vote count is more certain than in Rome!Be sure to punch the ticket.

And arrived at the accommodation plus a double room in Florence.

Pros: Clean, equipped with convenient facilities (laundry room, rooftop, lobby, vending machines on each floor, ATM, etc.

), and there is a separate bathroom, which is great.

There is also a delicious pizza place nearby.

Disadvantages: Distance (other people say it’s close, but my suitcase was too heavy.

so it felt far away), you can walk to all the attractions in Florence, but it’s quite far.

You can leave your luggage after checking out, but you have to pay 3 euros per person.


Dinner is Korean food haha.

Since it’s like this, I think I should eat Korean food.

The name is Gangnam Restaurant hahaha but it’s really delicious.

It’s a bit sweet, but considering it’s Baek Jong-won’s recipe, it’s a great Florentine restaurant.

Especially since they serve side dishes first, I was amazed when I ate them.

The kimchi stew is so delicious and the tteokbokki is also delicious.

Because there are so many customers, the employees are a little busy, so it may take a while to take your order, so decide on the menu in advance and order as soon as you sit down!Just write it on paper and give it to me.

Calculation is done when you leave.


restaurant exterior.

And then go see the Duomo.

There is busking at every square, and I get emotional.

로마가 낭만의 도시라면 피렌체는 감성의 도시🥹❤️여기는 공사하고있는뷰ㅋㅋㅋ 반대쪽에는 멀쩡해요그리고 이 두오모는 사진으로 볼 때랑.

정말 다르더라고요 압도적이에요.

너무 신났어요 보자마자.

아 그리고 이거 혹시 베드버그인가요?땀띠인줄 알고 있었는데 슬슬 의심이 됩니다.

양 발목부분만 이러는데 엄청 간지럽고 뭐야…?ㅠ​2일차.

사전에 브루엘레스키패스 예약해서 쿠폴라 돔 오르기!생각보다 할 만해용…………😂바로 앞에 노부부분들 올라갔는데 정상에서 너무 힘들어하셨어요ㅠ 하지만 정상에서 바라본 뷰 굉장함조토의 종탑은… 오늘 올라갈 계획이었는데포기 ㅎㅎㅎ.

내려와서 근처 파니니집에서 점심먹고(맛은 쏘쏘) 바로 옆 오페라박물관에서 낙원의 문 찐템 감상합니다.

마리아 막달레나의 비통한 모습도 볼 수 있습니다안에 굉장히 볼 게 많더라고요 좀 힘들어요ㅋㅋㅋ ㅠ.

피렌체에서는 정말 아무 가게나 들어가서 사먹었어요젤라또 딸기만 맛었었음요 위치는 기억이 안 남 ㅠ전날 저녁 우피치미술관 예약티켓이 있길래 그냥 미리 사두고 보러 가봅니다 보티첼리, 다빈치, 카라바조 등 거장들의 작품이 굉장히 많고 … 너무 힘들어요중간부터는 제발.

빨리 끝났으면 좋겠다고 생각함ㅋㅋㅋ그래서 다 패스하고 메두사 보러 감.

카라바조의 메두사.

너무나 지친 나머지 근처 카페에서 아아를 판매한다는 소문을 듣고 달려왔어요아아, 아라, 말차도 있음요https://maps.



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그리고 저녁에 야경보러 못 나갈 것 같아서 미리 온 베키오 다리정말 그림이다 그림이야.

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그리고 기념품 쇼핑하러 다시 중심가로 왔습니다.

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피렌체 떠나기 전 아쉬워서원래 까마돌리?크림 사고싶었는데 없대서 산타마리아노벨라 약국 갔습니다.

사람들 줄서서 기다리고있어요기다리는데 물도 주시고 왕친절안에 들어갔는데 진짜 너무 예쁨여기서 살고싶음 나오기 싫었음 잘가~ ㅎㅎ여기서 엄마랑 형님 선물사고 내꺼는 안 삼 ㅋㅋ ㅠ​ 오후 2시 20분 기차라서 점심먹고 가려고 중앙시장왔어요곱창버거 유명하대서 시켰습니다1층 오른쪽 코너 돌면 줄 서있어요​https://maps.



gl/ahatUoNi9gaVqViE7?g_st=ic 간단한 한 끼 해결하기 좋을 것 같아요왕 맛있다!!! 는 아니지만 먹어볼만함!가게 바로 앞에 자리가 있어서 앉아서 먹으면 됩니당​지금은 베니스 가는 기차 안에서 후기를 남겨용 ㅎㅎ다들 즐거운 여행 🛫​​.