Review of 4 nights in Rome with 8 years old

Rome is a popular travel destination for families.

I am writing a review to remember it.

​We were a family with an 8 year old and only Roman stayed for 4 nights.

The two adults were not active in the plan.

I tend to just roughly prepare accommodation and transportation and go with the flow.

​Still, it’s Rome.

I made reservations for the southern tour, the Vatican, and the Colosseum.

Other than that, I gave Google a star.

​​At Rome Airport, families with children under the age of 14 cannot use the automatic immigration service, so we had to wait in the immigration line for almost an hour.

It’s hard for children too.

Even adults have a hard time.

Recording the video on the iPad was a big help.

I went by Etihad, but it arrived in the morning and there were a lot of people.

​I took the airport bus and got off near the Vatican.

If you are near the Vatican, take the airport bus if the time is right.

8 euros per person.

WiFi available.

​Day 1.

We still had time to check in, so we stored our bags in a locker near the Vatican and took a walk around the Vatican and to St.


As expected, the shade was okay, but the sun was too hot.

A hat is a must!!!!​I had my first meal at McDonald’s.

It was a Pokemon card in a Happy Meal.

Hahaha, there is no need for a separate restaurant.

But McDonald’s is a good restaurant.

There was a pizza-flavored sauce inside the dessert that looked like fried dumplings, and it was really delicious.

Slush coffee ordered at McCafe??It’s delicious too.

The most local food near the Vatican is McDonald’s.

From students to office workers, it wasn’t easy to get a seat even though there were seats all the way to the basement.

hehe​I was thinking about taking the bus to collect my luggage, but I made eye contact with a passing taxi, but I was tired, so I got on it and went to an Airbnb to rest.

​At sunset.

The last stop of bus number 64 is in front of my house.

I rode it back and forth to Termini Station.

The purpose was to tour the south the next day, so I wanted to check it out in advance.

I heard that Roma Pass 48 was sold there, so I went there on a whim.

It felt like riding a city tour bus haha ​​(children under 10 ride the city bus for free when accompanied by an adult)​I didn’t feel like going to a restaurant to eat, so I bought water and food at the big Carrefour near my house and came back.

lolItalian fruit and Italian beer.

Children eat salmon sushi.

​Day 2.

Southern tour.

I only went to two places: Positano and Pompeii.

It’s far away, the scenery is pretty, and everyone knows it.

lolI also took pictures of the restaurant I wanted to go to in Positano.

If the boat tour is scheduled, I can’t go because the time is unclear.

I can’t go to a restaurant because my time is limited.

I took a lot of pictures and ate gelato.

Buy bread and snacks at the supermarketI had lemon sherbet and lemon ice cream.

​Before going to Pompeii, I purchased an audio guide and listened to it in advance, so I understood the field guide’s explanation a little better.

​Rome city.

Arrived at 8:30.

The guide recommended the night view of the Colosseum, so we took the bus there and went there again, but since we were tired, we passed the restaurant and came back to the hotel.

I ate cup rice and ramen.

​Day 3.

(Vatican Cathedral – Colosseum – Vatican Museums)As expected, I got up and went to the Vatican Cathedral, and even though it was before 8 o’clock, the line was already 200 meters long ;;;;As expected, I waited for an hour.

Still, the cathedral was quiet.

I bought an elevator ticket to see the cupola first.

Also, children are free.

At this time, you should have seen the cathedral first.

;;;When I came down, there were a lot of people.

​There is a cafe where you get off the elevator so you can grab breakfast.

Coffee and panini.

Arin is Morning Ark.


It’s hard to go up.

Nice and cool.

It’s easy to come down.

​It was also nice to hear a detailed explanation of the Vatican Cathedral through the paid audio guide.

Even children can concentrate and listen.

​I had a reservation at the Colosseum at 12 o’clock, so I hurried to get on the bus.

(로마패스로 예약했고 대기없이 바로 입장했어요.

어린이는 무료.

)여기서도 오디오가이드로 잘 들으며 투어했어요.

기념품샵에서 로마책 하나 샀는데 좋더라구요.

19유로로마의 건물들을 복원 사진과 현재사진 설명을 해놓은 책이라 알차더라구여.

각국 언어로 되어 있고.

한국어 버전도 있어요.


별표해둔 식당 찾아가서 식사했어요.

성탄젤로성 근처.





맛있는 식사였어요.

식당분위기, 서버 가격.

모두 다 맘에 들었어요.

Locanda dell’Angelo Ristorante Pizzeria Braceria식후 젤라또 추가로 먹었어요.

​숙소가서 쉬다가 바티칸 박물관 갔어요.

금요일은 야간개장을 해서 미리 티켓을 사서 갔어요.

그 시간에는 줄 서는 사람도 없고 입장은 너무 쉽게 했어요.

오디오가이드로 듣고 보면서 잘 봤어요.

어린이는 가기전에 그리스로마신화로 설명하는 가이드 미리 듣고 갔고 현장에서는 다른 가이드님꺼 추가로 들었어요.

​천지창조랑 최후의 심판은 투명의자 앉아서 편하게 설명들었어요.

중요한 것들은 사진첨부도 해두셔서 참고해서 봤어요.

야무지게 기념품도 사고 나왔어요.

어린이는 아테네 학당이 커버된 수동오르골을 골랐어요.

나오니 10시 넘은 시간이었고.

한가위 보름달보며 소원빌고 젤라또 먹고 귀가했어요.


조금 느긋하게 일어나서 밥도 먹고트레비분수 – 판테온 – 산티냐치오 교회 순으로 갔어요.

판테온은 입장 안했고.

어린이는 마차에 말과 셀카만 100장 찍더라구요.

판테온 가기전에 스벅가서 쉬고 화장실 갔어요.

​지올리띠 먹고.

카페에 앉아 먹으려고 했지만 서버가 안와요.

넘나 바빠서 안오는듯요.

추천 받은 파니니집에서 포장해서 보르게세 공원으로 갔어요.

가는길에 명품거리도 보고 스페인 계단지나서 판초언덕에서 로마전경도 봤어요.

걷는거 좀 빡셔서.

쉬다가고 했어요.

​돗자리 깔고 포장한거 먹으며 잠시 피크닉.

ㅋㅋ남은 빵으로 오리랑 비둘기 밥도 주고 어린이 즐거웠습니다.


​다시 버스타고 포로 로마노 가는길에 캄피돌리오 언덕을 통과해서 갔어요.

역시 광장에 앉아서 오디오가이드 열심히 들어주고.

포로 로마노도 오이도 가이드로 투어하고 문닫고 나왔습니다.

토요일이라 그런지 베네치아광장까지 차가 다니지 않았서 편하게 로마의 석양을 보며 걸었어요.

​마지막날 마지막 식사는 제대로 하고 싶어서 나보나 광장으로 가서 먹었는데 여기도 맛집이었어요.

서버도 훌룡했어여.

물론 너무 바빠보였어요.






그리고 식후 젤라또.

그리고 아쉬우니 맥날 해피밀.

포켓몬카드가 뭔지.

ㅎㅎ​집에 오는길이 나보다 광장 안쪽을 지나오는데.


거기가 핫플이더라구요.


식당과 카페.



그리고 예쁜 가방과 소품파는가게.

ㅋㅋ그렇게 45유로에 로컬샵에서 이태리산 예쁜 가방하나 겟했습니다.


마지막날10시30분 비행기라.

공항버스 첫차타고 출발했어요.

역시나 14세 미만은 자동출입국 안되서 줄서서 출국심사했어여.

예상에 없었지만 들어가보기만 하자던 구찌매장에서 가갹이 넘 좋아서 가방하나 샀어요.

동행인분의 즉흥 결정이긴했는데.

직원분이 한국가격이랑 비교해주시고 구매에 아주 큰 도움 주셨습니다.

​면세점에서는 와인두병.

뚜껑에 오르골달린 초콜릿.

선물용 초콜릿 구매했어요.

누가 와인병을 떨어뜨려서 실수로 깨서 깜놀했고.

그 후엔 몸사리며 다녔어요.


라운지 대기가 워낙길어서.

동행인과 어린이는그냥 라면집에서 라면과 볶음밥 먹었어요.

맛있고 양많고.

남아서 나중에 합류한 제가 먹었는데도 충분했어요.

​가기전에 소매치기 걱정만 하고 갔는데 조심하고 주의하면서 다녀서 즐겁게 즐기고 안전하게 돌아왔어요​.
