Looking for a tarpaulin bag in Rome?



I bought so many snacks, souvenirs, and sauces to give as gifts that I couldn’t handle them with the luggage I brought.

I didn’t know whether to buy a cheap suitcase or a tarpaulin bag, so I ended up looking for bag stores on the street.

There is nothing with a zipper in Tiger, and Ikea was too far away, so I gave up.

There was something just right at my local supermarket.

Carrefour shopping bag!It is a shoulder-carrying type and costs 3 euros.

The colors are blue and black.

It is possible to take it on board.

​Caution: It is not very sturdy, so only pack bulky but light items.

When I got off the airport bus in front of my house, the handle burst and I was shocked.

There was wine I bought at a duty-free shop inside.

^^Well then, have a nice trip!​I bought it at Vatican Carrefour Express.