I went in to Rome in the evening in the winter and went to Florence on the same day./Tranitalia winter night train time has been added. (Plan shared)

https://cafe. naver. com/firenze/8070138?tc=shared_link ​​I can’t make any other travel plans because I’m thinking about this and that every day. ㅠㅠIt would be easier to stay one night in Rome. Winter is the peak season. (When I booked the ticket, I realized that the peak season in Italy runs until January 9th. / Winter vacation is … Read more

Positano luggage storage service

Hello, I would like to share with you that there is a service that allows you to store your luggage when you stop by Positano and move to another place. ​First, let me explain what I used. If you go to the port (passenger ship terminal) where the Positano ferry dock is located, there are … Read more