Traveling to Italy with my middle school friend (Venice)

I went from Milan to Italo to Venice.

But track construction?Due to traffic, it took well over 3 hours to turn around.

After arriving at the main island of Venice, it was a completely new world.

Floating city.

It’s a sight I’ve only seen on TV~~~After taking a lot of pictures, I went to Hotel Filu where I had made a reservation.

I turned on Google and was almost there, but I couldn’t see the hotel name.

What was it?As I was doing it, I remembered the building I had seen in the picture, so I went in.

However, unlike what it looked like from the outside, the inside was neat and tidy.

I booked a room with a canal view, so when I opened the window, I saw a real canal.


It’s clean for two people to use with a child.

It’s a good choice.

I praise myself again hahaI didn’t have a special schedule today, so I used Google and looked at the overall atmosphere of Bebecia.

As I wandered through the alleys for a while, Google told me to cross the river.

The river here is Jang-eun Alley in Korea.

We don’t have tickets for the water bus, we just want to cross the street, but there’s no bridge so we don’t know if we should swim.

I can’t trust everything on Google.

In particular, there are only a few bridges that cross the large Grand Canal, so check them carefully.

How many alleys did I walk through in Venice with my child arm in arm?On this trip, I’m going to be hanging out with Joongsami’s son, arm in arm.

Although the buildings in Venice are old and shabby, there are many small shops in the alleys.

It’s a lot of fun to look around.

I booked a reservation in advance to visit the San Marco bell tub, and went to the cathedral quickly with an on-site reservation.

The view from the Rialto Bridge is very nice.

I didn’t go to Murano Island, but only went to Burano Island, and it was cute and had a different kind of fun.

I tried taking pictures of rainbow colors, but I couldn’t find navy blue.

I made a reservation in advance and went up to the Uran DFS free observatory, and the view from here was better than the bell tower.

It’s free, so be sure to make a reservation in advance.

really!!I like that the bathroom here is clean.

I needed a restroom near Rialto so I used the Euro restroom.

If I had known about this place, I would have used it here haha.

I had steak at Al Grill and it was delicious.

It melts gentlyI like seafood.

Rio Novo ristorante pesce/best seafood in venice It’s delicious here too.

You all know that hydrogen gelato is delicious haha.

I bought some because the glass crafts were pretty, and I saw a wooden Pinocchio doll while walking around on the first and second days.

When I looked to buy it on the third day, I couldn’t find it.

The conclusion is that if you buy it when you see it, it won’t be there if you look for it.

I’m leaving Venice behind, which is disappointing, and now I’m moving on to Florence.

really!!For those traveling in winter, I highly recommend a hot pack and an electric blanket.

I can enjoy a nice day by walking around when it’s cold outside and sleeping and waking up warm at the accommodation.

It’s great to carry a hot pack in your pocket.

I thought about taking it out because it was heavy, but I put it in, but I highly recommend it.

I also brought a portable port and I am using it very well.

I’ll be arriving in Florence soon, so I’ll stop here.















