Italy travel review 3-1 – Positano

hello,Following Rome and Florence, I will leave a review of Positano.

​There were many reasons why we chose Italy as our new destination.

One of them was Positano!Houses on a cliff and an incredible view of the sea.

Because of that, it was very difficult to make a schedule.

​I arrived in Rome, but I also want to go to Florence, which is above Rome.

and Positano, which is south of Rome.

Should I go back to Rome to take the bottom, go up, and then return home?Or should I go up and then down and rest and then go back to Rome? I had a lot of worries.

​After thinking about it, the accommodation we wanted to stay in Positano was only available after going to Florence.

Since it was possible, I decided to schedule it according to my accommodation.

​Day 1,There are quite a few routes to get from Florence to Positano.


Florence -> Naples -> Sorrento -> Take the ferry to Positano.

Take bus No.

2: Florence -> Naples -> Sorrento -> PositanoTake ferry number 3: Florence -> Naples -> Positano.

4 Florence -> Naples -> Take a taxi to Positano(* -> Movement is by train)And for us who were so tired of the forced march, an option suddenly occurred to us.


5 Florence -> Positano by taxi​Now, the cost will play the most important role in the decision!The cost of the train from Florence to Naples ranges from 80 euros per person to around 100 euros depending on the seat.

Then the joint cost is about 170 euros.

And going from Naples to Sorrento costs 10 euros together.

Ferry from Sorrento to Positano: 45 euros (2 people)Bus from Sorrento to Positano: 13 euros (2 people)Ferry from Naples to Positano: 60 euros (2 people)Taxi from Naples to Positano: 130 euros​Total cost 1 time: 225 eurosTotal cost for number 2 is 193 euros.

Total cost 3 times: 240 eurosTotal cost for number 4 is 310 euros.

5 things that will make us feel at ease.

Total cost for number 5 is 1050 euros.

​Of course, number 5 was excluded.

We are very generous when it comes to food, but when it comes to other expenses, we consider cost-effectiveness.

Most of the time required was similar (even the taxi took the longest haha) so I chose number 2!​I bought a Trenitalia 2nd standard ticket from Florence Station to Naples!I had no choice since that was the only ticket I had, but before boarding, my wife said that the most economy class seats were very risky of theft and were narrow and difficult.

I was very worried when I talked about it.

​After moving hard and getting on the train, the seats were more comfortable than Italo Prima and there was enough space for luggage.

Wi-Fi, which is most important to us as our ESCIM data is coming to an end, is also very solid except when passing through tunnels.

​So, I left my worries behind for an hour, looked outside, and arrived in Rome after traveling for about 2 hours!If you want to smoke in Rome, get off in a hurry, smoke quickly, get back on, and then leave for Naples!​Mountain ranges, rivers, houses in the distance.

even the fields were such a beautiful sight!There are also houses where local people live, not tourist areas.

I really like this unique Italian atmosphere.

​When I arrived in Naples, I realized that this was the city where Kim Min-jae was.

There were everywhere related to Napoli’s victory.

Posters and placards are great!Even though I didn’t run, I feel like I’m full of energy haha.

​In Naples, a Korean subway from the 80s.

?I took the train to Sorrento.

It was very noisy, but the scenery outside and the people were friendly and it felt good.


​Pass through these villages and go to Sorrento!​​It was 5:30 pm when we arrived in Sorrento.

I departed from Florence on the 11:59 train.

It took 5 hours and 30 minutes to get here, including waiting time.

!​Now I’m going to buy a ticket for the Sita bus to Positano.

Go to the 1st floor, exit the station, and turn right.

As you move, you will come to a place that sells Citabus tickets.

I bought a ticket for the 6 o’clock bus, sat at the stop, and watched people.

A local guy next to me was watching Japanese animation on YouTube, and we, who like Naruto, heard something.

The Japanese lines relaxed my mind and body.

​Take the bus to Positano!It took about 30 minutes to arrive, and having lived in an island country, I felt very at ease and happy seeing the sea and the sound of the waves.

Because it was dark, I couldn’t really feel the feel of Positano, but the lights on the shops and the neighborhood itself gave off a great feel.

It was so good that I thought it was a good thing I even came this far.

​I got off the bus and went to my accommodation, but the directions on Google Maps showed that there were stairs.


The width is jagged, the alleys are narrow, and it is difficult to move up the stairs due to the suitcase and luggage.

(I tried it once, but it was so hard that I almost died)Even if it took another 5 to 10 minutes, I decided to take the easy route and continued down the road.

I got on the carrier and went down in a fun and comfortable way and looked around.

When I arrived at the accommodation, there were quite a few stairs to climb.

Squeezing out the last of my energy, I left my bag at the accommodation, listened to the explanation carefully, and took a short break!​I have to eat dinner now.

I heard that a restaurant called Luna was good, so I searched for it and went there!There was a pretty restaurant on the way, so I thought I’d just go here, but let’s go to Luna.

If you’re going to spend money, get a safe bread!As I was moving, there were a lot of stairs on the way.

If I live here, I think I’ll be very good at hip-hoping.

Your butt may stick to the back of your head.

​I arrived when I started to feel more tired and out of breath as I moved!I tried it, but it was closed haha.

Positano is off-season from November, so there are quite a few places that are closed.

I decided to go to the restaurant I saw in front of my house on the way, so I went back down the stairs and went there.

It was a restaurant called Da Vincenzo and there was only one seat left, so I was guided there!The staff were very friendly and the customers eating indoors all seemed very friendly.

I ordered Grilled octopus as a starter, and all my hard thoughts disappeared and I thought to myself, “How can it be so delicious?”I looked around with admiration and admiration.

It was a Michelin-starred place!Next, we enjoyed steak and truffle pasta (I really like truffles) + spritz and wine.

​The staff was so kind that I gave a tip for the first time at Eataly.

Thank you again for giving me such a great experience!​I searched to see if there was a bar where I could enjoy a meal and stay open late.

The place right in front of the beach is open until 2 am.

The time was 9:30!I walked to the beach to digest my food and went for a walk, and when I arrived at the bar, I saw that last order was now and that it closes at 10 o’clock.

News like lightning.

!!​It rained a bit that day, but they said a huge storm was coming in the morning, so they said they were closing early for the safety of the employees and the store.

First of all, I said that I understood and that I would only eat until 10 o’clock, and then I sat down.

Looking at the menu, the alcoholic beverages that I paid for about 7 euros at other places cost 15 euros per glass, probably because it was in front of the beach.

I sipped on a cold spritz once again, thinking that I was really glad it was open until 10 o’clock!​Then, my wife and I went out and looked at the sea, then went back to the hotel and finished the day.

​​Since I only had 3 days and 2 nights in Positano, I wanted to write everything.

Because the story is long, I had to divide it into parts 1 and 2.

Hope this helps!​.