Italy 7 nights 8 days travel information and reviews

hello!I am going to Italy for 7 nights and 8 days from 10/16 to 10/24.

After quitting my job, I went on a solo trip.

While preparing for the trip, I gained a lot of information from the trip and am leaving a post in the hope that it will be helpful to me!​I went to Rome for 4 nights and Florence for 3 nights (including a day trip to Venice), and the reason I stayed for 4 nights in Rome was because I used up one day for a day trip to the south, so I had 4 nights to spare.

​1) Transportation and hotelsI booked all my train tickets in advance in Korea.

I booked a Prima seat for the Rome-Florence and Florence-Rome routes where I travel with a suitcase, and I booked a Smart seat for the Florence-Venice route, which is a day trip route where I only travel with a suitcase.

I was glad that the train was wider and more comfortable than I expected.

Since I was alone, I reserved a Prima seat as there was only one seat and left my suitcase in the space next to me!Personally, if you are traveling with a suitcase, I recommend reserving a Prima seat.

Foreigners have the same amount of luggage as we did when we went to Jeju Island.

We have to drag a suitcase as big as our bodies.

Haha Prima even provides cookies and drinks!.


I mostly walked around downtown Rome and Florence, and on days when it was too difficult, I took the bus!Bus tickets are usually sold in large quantities inside the station, and are also sold in small supermarkets nearby.

For buses in the city, you have to take a ticket and put it in the machine inside the bus, and the date and time are automatically entered.

If you look at Google Maps and get on and off, it’s not difficult at all.

​I stayed at hotels in both Rome and Florence.

Rome was a 10-minute walk from Termini Station, and I was worried because there was a lot of talk about it being dangerous near the station, but it’s better to carry suitcases if you’re close to the station.

Of course, there are some black people and homeless people around the station, but even if you go a little further, there are restaurants around the hotels.

There was a supermarket so it wasn’t scary at all!I also stayed at a hotel in Florence that was a 5-minute walk from Santa Marino Bella Station, and the room was spacious and clean, so it was the best.

Personally, I recommend accommodations near the train station!!​2) City tour, southern tourI don’t like going on tours, so Rome is the first time I’ve signed up for a tour while traveling.

I didn’t go to the Vatican, which everyone goes to, because I thought it wouldn’t be my cup of tea.

However, Italy has a lot of historic sites and a very deep history, so I, who is ignorant of history, felt like I wouldn’t know anything if I just looked at it, so I signed up for a half-day tour of Rome and it was perfect!I recommend going on a private tour to places you enjoyed after the tour.

​And I went on a southern tour just because I wanted to see Positano.

Everyone, please make sure to go to the south ㅜㅜㅜㅠ Really, I don’t know of any other places, but I will definitely go to Positano again.

and I will go there again!!!It was a prettier, more relaxing, and sparkling place than I expected, so I was really sad to leave after only staying for a few hours.




3) I went to see the sunset in Rome because Pinchot Hill is famous, and personally, all the major tourist attractions are pretty at night, but the one I especially liked was the Castle of Angels!!It’s very romantic.

You should definitely go!!.




4) Restaurants in RomeThe steamed truffle carbonara was delicious haha.

Although the bacon was almost as hard as a rock, it was salty and delicious when eaten together, so everyone should eat it with a glass of white wine!!.





gl/6E9ZJKfMsmVHyW8b9?g_st=ic ​5) Restaurants in Florence그라나다 치즈볼에 파스타 비벼서 주는 트러플파슷하로이미 한국인들에게 유명한곳이죠ㅎㅎ저는 예약안하고 가서 웨이팅 40분?정도 하고 테이블 쉐어로 먹었는데 진짜로 두번먹고싶은 맛이였어요!!!여기는 웰컴드링크, 식전빵, 식후주 다 공짜로 줍니다ㅎ.





gl/rSju3ycmAXbyfLAa6?g_st=ic ​젤라또 진짜 매일 먹었는데 그중에 제일 맛있었던곳!!피스타치오랑 다크초콜릿 너무 맛있어요ㅎㅎ.





gl/93CLMc7DaZGhEN4v8?g_st=ic ​동행분들과 같이 갔던 트라토리아 자자!!티본스테이크랑 감베리파스타 다 넘 맛있었는데 메뉴판에는 없는거같으니 그냥 사진 보여주고 주문하세요ㅎㅎ그리고 자자 아페롤스프릿츠 찐 맛집ㅠㅠ 두잔드세요,,.






gl/HMAEh8xz1AfcSopd6?g_st=ic ​6) 포지타노 맛집가이드님 추천으로 갔는데 봉골레파스타랑 오징어튀김 너뮤 맛있어요ㅠㅠ 레몬맥쥬랑 같이 드시면 완벽합니다,,포지타노 가시는뷴들 대왕추천ㅎㅎ.





gl/ZvEavMVWDEwgueEG7?g_st=ic ​7) 피렌체 브루넬레스키?통합권두오모 돔 오르려고 한달전쯤 한국에서 미리 예매했구요두오모돔이랑 종탑 둘다 올라갔는데 갠적으로는 두오모돔 올라서 보는 뷰가 압도적이라 종탑은 굳이,,안오르셔도 될 것 같네요ㅎㅎ 저는 돔 올라갔을때 날씨가 넘 좋다가 내려오니까 비가 쏟아지더라구요,, 날씨좋으면 넘 예뻐요~.





​8) 베네치아 당일치기고민하시는 분들 날이 좋다면 정말 꼭 가시길 바라요,,저도 갈까말까 고민하다가 예약해놓은 기차표가 아까워서 그냥 갔는데 날이 좋우니 정말 충격적이게 예뻐서 도착하자마자 헉 소리가 나더라구요??ㅠㅠ 물의도시 최고,,.



​9) 기차 연착 및 지연여행내내 한번도 문제없다가 마지막날 피렌체에서 로마로 넘어갔다가 공항가는 루트였거든요~ 마지막날 몸이 너무 안좋아서 원래 예매했던 기차표 시간 변경해서 일찍 공항 라운지가서 쉬려고 했는데 기차가 출발은 제시간에 했는데 출발하고 중간에 방송이 막 나오더니 승객들이 다 한숨과 화를 내길래 옆승객에게 번역기 돌려서 물어보니 무슨 문제인지는 모르겠는데 테르미니역에 안가고 그 옆 기차역에 내려준다는거에요;;ㅜ 결론은 역도 다른역에 내려주고 3시간 더 늦게 도착햇어요ㅋㅋㅋ이게무슨.

ㅎㅎ저는 아예 일찍 나와서 공항에는 무리없이 도착했지만만약에 제시간에 왔다가 3시간 지연도착되면 비행기 놓치는거 아닌가요.

정말 이때 이탈리아 막무가내 맞구나 싶엇네요ㅎㅎㅎ 기차는 특히나 운이 따라야하는거 같으니공항 가는날은 도시이동 최대한 안하는거 추천합니다,,,뱅기 놓치면 눈물나잖아요ㅠㅠㅎㅎ​제 이탈리아 여행 후기는 끝이에요!!!다녀와서 지독한 몸살을 앓았지만 그래도 알차고 벅찬 여행이였네요ㅎㅎ 누군가에게 조금이라도 도움이 되기를 바라며 제가 찍은 사진들 살포시 자랑해봅니다~~!.













