Traveling to Italy with my middle school friend (Milan)

As I am about to enter high school and think this will be my last long trip before the college entrance exam, I finished issuing mileage tickets a year ago.

This is my first time traveling with a small child like this without my older child who is serving in the military.

I wanted to go to Spain, but my child wanted Italy.

Since I was traveling with a child, I actively listened to the child’s opinion.

The time of getting various information, making reservations, and preparing while traveling was very exciting and enjoyable.

Finally, with excitement, I boarded a plane to Milan and arrived after about 14 hours of flight.

I binge-watched the drama I downloaded on the plane, and the time flew by quickly.

I arrived a little after 6 PM and took the express to Jungang Station.

Even the history was magnificent.

As I walked to the accommodation nearby, saying ‘wa~~wa~~’ repeatedly, the wind was blowing so hard.

It’s only for a moment, but my head hurts~~~!!I stayed at the IQ Hotel for 2 nights and it was clean and I was very satisfied with my stay.

I’m the type of person who can tolerate small accommodations while traveling, but can’t tolerate dirty spaces haha.

My child was excited because the 2 juices, 2 cokes, and 2 water in the accommodation were all free.

Water refills were available, and there was also a microwave outside.

It’s available so you can use it if you need it.

The next morning, I had breakfast at the hotel and had my first cup of espresso in front of the hotel.

It showed me, a coffee addict, the taste of a new world.

It was delicious.

Next to me, Adri had a cafe lade and he sipped it well.

I took the tram to see the Last Supper, and it was very emotional.

You could say that Milan had an atmosphere that was a mixture of England and France.

I arrived earlier than the last supper reservation time, so it was too windy and cold to wait at the bar, so I drank hot chocolate at a nearby cafe, and it was eye-watering~~ It wasn’t even sweet, but it felt thick~~ and it was delicious.

Finally, the long-awaited Last Supper!!My heart bounces and bounces to see this work through the eyes that created it.

After appreciating the story with a series of exclamations, I walked to Starbucks Reserve as my next move.

There was a bit of a wait, but when I went in, it was almost identical to the Reserve I saw in New York two years ago.

I just smelled the coffee and looked at the goods, but didn’t buy anything.

The trip has just begun, but I don’t want to increase my luggage~~There was a protest (street march) that day, and I was pushed by people and walked to the cathedral.

cathedral!!It’s so magnificent that it can’t be expressed in words, and I can only say exclamations of admiration.

I reserved a lift to go to the terrace and went straight up without waiting.

Be sure to go up and see itIt’s different from what you see from below.

It was a bit disappointing that there was some repair work going on here and there, but it was still awesome!!!It was cold and windy, but there were so many people going down that I had to wait in line for about 15 minutes to go down.

I was hungry, so I was looking for a restaurant and ended up at a wood-fired pizza place.

It was a chain pizza place and it was delicious, but a bit salty for our taste.

Later, when I got back to the hotel, I wondered how much water I drank~~~I was walking around the Galleria to look around, but it was a busy weekend and I got pushed around by people.

My child, who is serving in the military, has a special love for soccer, so I had his name engraved on a player t-shirt at the AC Milan store and even bought a magnet.

Italians must be so sincere in their love for soccer that they have their names engraved on the checkout line to enter the store ~~~ Haha.

My son who served in the military also bought a mini car at his favorite Ferrari store~~Now the gift~~ is over!!When I sent it to him via KakaoTalk, he said, “Ah~~ I’m so happy.

”Perhaps because the days are long now, the evenings are very long.

I went mindlessly window shopping around the Galleria and took the subway to my accommodation.

My middle school student adapted to jet lag in just one day and is walking very well.

I made a reservation for Prima to go to Venice the next day, bought bread for breakfast, and tried to go to the bathroom before boarding, but it was closed and difficult to find.

Go on the train.

When the gate appeared on the electronic display, I went straight to it, boarded it, and stored it in the luggage storage area by tying it with the wire I had prepared.

Because I brought 28-29 inches, I couldn’t put it on the shelf, and since I got it late, there was no room to store it.

I tried it over and over again.












