[London accommodation] Presidential Apartments Kensington review

Accommodation name
: Presidential Apartments Kensington (Room type: Deluxe Suite)
Number of stays
: 7 nights and 8 days
Location (How to get there)
: Located in Kensington, 1-2 minutes by road from Earl’s Court Station
: Approximately 3 million won (1814 pounds)
Meals and cooking
: The description says breakfast is included, but due to the coronavirus, breakfast is not available. Since it is an apartment, basic facilities for cooking and doing laundry are well-equipped.
Toilet (shower room): Located in the shower room.
Computer: None.
Facilities and cleanliness: The facilities are generally clean, and they are cleaned once a day, so I was satisfied when using them.
Internal Rules: There were no separate internal rules.
Friendliness of the staff: All the staff were friendly and the doorman always welcomed my family with a smile.
Surrounding environment: Although the accommodation was on the first floor near the station, it did not feel noisy.
It felt like I was staying in a house in a slightly wealthy area(?).
Advantages: Near the station, many supermarkets right in front, many restaurants and bakery cafes offering breakfast
Cons: If you are unlucky, you may end up booking a basement room.
Who would like this accommodation?
Recommended for families looking for a quiet place away from the busy streets.
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